We offer classes for all ages

Regular classes

  • Junior children classes (Minimum 5 years of age)
  • Senior student classes
  • Family and teen classes
  • Adult classes

Special classes

  • Sparring Class
  • Self-Defense Class
  • Breaking Class
  • Weapons Training Class
  • Junior Instructor Program
  • Private lessons


Our Parent Participation Program is focused on granting an opportunity for parents of our school to get active in our classes and interact more with their children during training. We dedicate a portion of time to teaching our parents tips on how to assist their child during practice and also how to properly hold targets and boards. With our program, parents learn new things about Taekwondo and accelerate the progress of their kids.

What exactly do you get out of it?
Besides learning training techniques for your children, you get to be an active part of our classes as a sort of assistant instructor. You get a full uniform as well as a light kicking target for practicing kicks at home. Every month we supply an amount of breakable boards for even more practice at home, if you don’t want boards then we have various other supplies.
With this program we hope to create a chance for you to improve your child’s progress and allow you to be even greater encouragement for them.

What if I have no experience in martial arts?
That won’t be a problem at all since everything we will teach you won’t require any physical expertise or fitness. The only thing that we really require is a willingness to help your child excel!

How about the price?
It will costless than a regular class does but you still get many benefits that will allow you to truly help your child. There are monthly benefits as well as a first time bonus to those who sign up for this program.
We offer a light kicking target, reusable plastic board for breaking, and monthly bonuses worth a whole third of the monthly price you pay for.

How exactly will it work?
If you’re a parent who has free time to watch your child participate in class then you have enough time to be a part of that same class. All we ask for is 10 minutes of your time before the class starts in order for our instructors to brief you and give an explanation of the content of the class and how you can assist. We will also give proper training as to how to identify key mistakes in your child’s techniques.

You can continue with us after you finish.
After our program is complete and we grant you the certificate of completion, you can continue with us in our family program together with your child. With your newfound knowledge of Taekwondo and martial arts it’s possible to reach even higher levels together with your family.
A family that trains together stays together!

Try a Class for Free!